Jarrett and I never got to go on a honeymoon. Our wedding was very low key, much to our liking, and with all the planning of getting married in the Redwoods National Forest we just didn't have the money or time for a honeymoon. Luckily, we got money as a wedding gift (who doesn't like getting money?) and were able to book our dream Pacific Northwest roadtrip. We are the type of people who like to order a bunch of appetizers instead of just a main course, we are people who like to try many things. A long roadtrip with many stops was exactly our cup of tea.
We flew up to Seattle and rented a car to drive back down, stopping at some of the most amazing places we had ever seen and some of the weirdest. We went to the MOPOP museum in Seattle, the Peculiarium in Portland, the Oregon Vortex where we got to see physics defied, the exact spot we got married, a weird diner with Emus, the Bigfoot motel, the best pizza in the middle of nowhere, and we got to see so many whales in Monterey. It was some of the best days of my life and I only wish I could go back.
Maybe soon.